I am a 33 year old mother (of 3), daughter, fiancé, friend and trauma survivor. I grew up with all material essentials provided and from the outside appeared to come from a good home. My parents were not horrible people, but they did have trauma and then carried and passed that trauma on to me. I was diagnosed with a eating disorder at age 14, and struggled with that for nearly 15 years. I started using drugs and alcohol around a year later. It was clear the very first time I used I was a addict, but continued to drink excessively and use drugs as well. I got pregnant at 17 and had a beautiful baby girl, I was able to stop using drugs and drink only on weekends but always to the point of blacking out. Eventually I started using drugs again when I was drinking and that spiralled out of control after several years and I ended up losing custody of my daughter. This only made me use more because I couldn’t cope with the pain of not having her. Towards the end of my addiction I got pregnant with my son, and was able to get clean for the pregnancy. I did some counselling, and joined NA and AA. I did everything recommended to me (Sponser, steps, meetings everyday), and I broke free of the desire to use alcohol and drugs. I did however in my first 5 years of sobriety have a handful of relapses with my eating disorder. I still very much struggled with anxiety, and the “addict” in me came out in other ways (exercise and shopping). I have struggled with being a severe people pleaser since as long as I can remember, never putting myself or my needs first. I had a mother who was extremely hard on me from
childhood into my 30s, which made me extremely hard on myself. I had someone once tell me in a meeting that they have never met someone in their life harder on themselves than me. Which I’m assuming wouldn’t make me to fun for people to be around. I got custody of my daughter back and I settled with a job that paid decent money, which I convinced myself I loved doing and planned on working my way up in the field. So once again my life looked good on the outside, but inside I was very much still struggling. I have been through a lot through my childhood and my addictions, I never fully healed my trauma. I started my journey working with Kristina in July 2021. In the short time we have worked together my life has completely changed. Kristina has taught me that setting boundaries, using my voice and saying no to people is ok. It doesn’t make me a horrible person, and putting myself first is ok and vital to my happiness. Which was super hard to me at first, but the more times I put myself first the easier it got and the happier I became. She taught me how to love myself and be proud of the woman I have become. I now feel proud of everything in my life I have overcame. Since working with Kristina I am no longer constantly beating myself up over everything that’s playing in my head. Which is such a liberating feeling being able to break free from the constant anxiety. I have learnt more tools from Kristina than any of the numerous counsellors I have seen throughout my life. Each week I would have action steps to carry forward until the next session, such as meditating, journaling, positive affirmations, gratitude lists, prayer, and praying to my trauma sisters. These action steps have now become apart of my daily routine. We set goals to achieve in the 90 days and I completed them halfway through and ended up setting new goals. By doing these things I discovered so much about myself that I had been suppressing since I was a kid. I’ve rediscovered what my true passion is in life and have decided to pursue the career I have always wanted since I was a child. Which is scary, but intuitively I know I am meant to be doing. She has taught me to lean into the things that cause me fear instead of running from it because, that’s when you get the most growth. Kristina taught me its safe to lean in opposed to numbing out. I can truly say today I am living my most authentic life, and doing what makes me happy. Which is a blessing to give to my family, friends, and most importantly myself. I still have life struggles that come up but I now have the tools to cope with them in a healthy way. She has begun a huge transformation within myself and has guided me in to awakening spiritually. I can’t even put the gratitude I have for her into words. She is a powerful woman, a true healer, and a blessing to have in your life. If your someone like me who was in a constant battle in your head, feel anxious, or your not living the life you should be, she’s your girl to help heal and guide you. If you get the opportunity to have Kristina as a coach, fucking take it. You are worthy of peace, love, and happiness!
Tabi Cummings
This is my transformational testimony. I am a 54 year old daughter, sister, mother, Aunty, grandmother and trauma survivor. I am indigenous and Hawaiian decent. Severe trauma at an early age left me with an eating disorder, codependency and 35 years of very dark alcoholism. I lived my life surviving, not thriving. Feelings of anxiety and overwhelming despair filled my days and eventfully years. For 35+ years , I lived for others and never lived my true life purpose. However, I am so proud to say I have been in been in active recovery since Dec 2019. Recovery has been amazing to me and I am so grateful for everything its taught me and where I am today. However, I felt as if I still needed some more support. Jumping forward to July 2021 that is when the beginning of my journey to enlightenment began. I committed to 90 days with Kristina. I will always remember this, It was one of the first sessions I had with Kristina and she taught me about the three R’s. The right system, the right support and the right accountability. Each week Kristina asked me to share my wins with her and she would joyously celebrate me for what I had achieved that week. Something that was very foreign to me. At first this exercise was very hard for me and made me feel very uncomfortable. However, after my 90 days with Kristina, I have realized I am worthy of celebrating myself and my success daily. One of the many new healthy habits I can thank Kristina for. I love how each week, Kristina set me up with new action steps to work towards my goals. My action steps were things like prayer, meditation, affirmations, tapping, breathing, celebrating myself, and much more. I can faithfully say that the life skills Kristina has taught me have changed my life greatly for the better. These skills have been a gift that has been able to reduce my anxiety to zero. For the first time I can say I live without anxiety and I know a huge part of this is because of my experience with Kristina. I now have the tools to use when needed to keep me grounded and sane on the of worst days. Today, I am so honoured to say that I live in love and light. I am abundantly blessed with health, love, compassion, empathy and serenity. I am living my true authentic life. This is the powerful gift I can give my family, friends, colleagues but most of all myself. Kristina has started me on a path that keeps illuminating brighter by the day. Kristina is a powerful intuitive healer and now spiritual life coach. If you have the opportunity to have Kristina as your coach, take it. This has been one of the best gifts I have ever given myself! After all, like Kristina says “You are your own best investment”
Thank you,
Leanne Smith.
It was July of 2021, when I embarked on my first ever coaching experience with Kristina. In the beginning I was lacking energy and confidence that I would get much accomplished during our 90 days together. I had some of the same goals for years and wasn’t able to complete them, so was I was a little on the sceptical side. Man, was I ever wrong! This is my story, I am 53 years old, I have two beautiful children I birthed and a few more I took on as my own along the way. Throughout my life I ended up mothering a lot of people around me and while this isn’t the typical scenario when you were raised in a dysfunctional home like I was, I found it to be my normal. All of my life I have been giving endlessly to those around me, never making myself a priority. Not getting my basic needs met as a young child created me to be the best care taker, care giver and external validation seeker out there. I had lived in the same vicious circle for years and for most of it not understanding why. I was not aware that my old childhood wounds were keeping me on a spinning wheel. I would get frustrated, try what I thought was something new and yet end back up in the same spot I had started. After my first few sessions with Kristina, I knew I was in the right hands. I could feel that Kristina had the intuitive gifts, skill sets, life experience, and knowledge to take me to the next level. I was hesitant due to my past but I was also committed to myself and my growth. As the weeks went by, I was gaining more confidence and organically growing into the woman I once dreamt of becoming. It didn’t take long for me to notice the internal shifts within in. Kristina taught me the skills I needed to make myself a priority, creating boundaries and honouring my whole self. One of my favourite take aways was learning how to make myself a priority and scheduling the time I needed to do the things that I really wanted to do for me. Kristina gave me the skills to balance my life, learning that life isn’t about all work and no play. I found myself completing things I had been continuously putting off, I had more energy, I felt good about myself, and proud of the work I had done. Since working with Kristina, Ive noticed I am more honest with myself, more accountable, and have the skills to create boundaries I’ve always needed. Not only am I creating boundaries, I can confidently stick to them without feeling guilt or fear. I now practice regular self care and self love. I feel getting coached by Kristina is one of my greatest experiences and gifts I have given myself. I feel that Kristina is a gift to all that have the privilege of being her friend, soul sister, mentor or better yet, having her as a coach. She empowered me to be the best version of me by continuously checking in on me, encouraging me to be the best I can be, and the unconditional love and support she showered me with. I know my journey is just beginning with Kristina and I look forward to our next chapter together.
With much gratitude,
Lorri Britt